Local Feature Idle Local Feature Idle

Reflection on Time

Over the past 28 years I have seen that people in prison tend to get some type of clock or timepiece tattoo. I decided to create a timepiece that was an actual clock to represent my experience and outlook on my sentences/time.

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Local Feature John Moses Local Feature John Moses

Who Is My Neighbor?

I want to tell you a story. It certainly is a story about the power of relationships. It just may be a story of redemption. It definitely is a story of the unexpected. But I want you, the reader, to decide if this is a story of us and them, or a story about us.

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Peace Vincent DeGeorge Peace Vincent DeGeorge

A Family of Love and Support at One Federal Prison in WV

Each visit one receives while incarcerated corresponds to that person being 80% less likely to go back to prison. Yet, less than 15% of federal inmates receive one visitor. The Alderson Hospitality House provides love and support for people visiting loved ones who are incarcerated in the Federal Prison Camp in Alderson.

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Local Feature Timothy Harriman Local Feature Timothy Harriman

Mountain Movers: Mary Fletcher

Sunlight filled the room. It was bright and cheerful, much like Mary herself. Dressed in fashionable business attire, most would find it difficult to believe that Mary was once homeless and addicted to hard street drugs.

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Local Feature Staff Local Feature Staff

Q&A with Dougie Abner

Dougie Abner, a peer recovery coach for Project Rebound, spent 23 years of his life in prison. With six months left of his more than two decades in prison, he started a weekly publication called Rumor Has It while inside the prison.

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Opinion Kate Marshall Opinion Kate Marshall

Director’s Desk: Issue Three

It was easy at that age to designate who was “good” and who was “bad,” a narrative which I carried into adulthood until I encountered a “criminal” in my life who flipped that understanding on its head: the criminal, Jesus.

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Local Feature Betsy Brossman Local Feature Betsy Brossman

Welcome to Blossoms

For a woman, life on the streets offers no glamor or beauty. Surviving outside amongst the elements takes grit, strength, and a special kind of resilient spirit that many of the unhoused women in Wheeling possess.

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