Opinion Kate Marshall Opinion Kate Marshall

Director’s Desk: Issue Two

There is a cliche that says, "Respect is earned, not given." However, there is another side of that coin – human dignity – which recognizes that all persons hold an intrinsic value merely for being a human being.

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Peace Holly Eckert Peace Holly Eckert

When the Wind Speaks, Listen

In my sixth year of living with epilepsy, I experienced a satori, the moment in the Buddhist tradition when one’s intuitive wisdom reveals a new way of seeing. It’s also called “riding the wind.”

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Local Feature Ella Jennings Local Feature Ella Jennings

Mountain Movers: Chad Wayt

When someone says that their recovery story is centered around a rat, you might logically conclude they are about to tell you about how they got busted and ended up in jail, going into withdrawal, and entering a recovery program to start a new way of life because of a “rat.” However, that is not Chad Wayt's rat story.

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Local Feature Kate Marshall Local Feature Kate Marshall

Trash Talkers: Keeping it Clean

Trash might not be what most people think about when recalling COVID-19’s unwelcome arrival in Wheeling. But for Trash Talkers, a project of local non-profit HoH-Share, Inc., it took a pandemic and piles of garbage for them to find their purpose.

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Faith Nic Cochran Faith Nic Cochran

Epiphed Off

As we sat around the editorial room at the Mother Jones house, Ella suggested an opening question to get our creative juices flowing: “what is an epiphany to you?

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