Ashlie Curtis Ashlie Curtis

A Learning Experience

“I started to learn that my addiction was just a symptom of a much deeper problem. I didn’t realize how sick I was until I finally got away from all of the sickness—and I would have never gotten away from all of the sickness on my own.”

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Ashlie Curtis Ashlie Curtis

Toxic Stress Response

In the early 2000s, the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child coined the term “toxic stress,” explaining how ACEs trigger biological reactions from the excessive activation of stress response systems on a child’s developing brain, as well as the immune system, metabolic regulatory systems, and the cardiovascular system. Toxic stress from ongoing, high doses of adversity can become embedded in a person’s traits and behaviors.

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Ashlie Curtis Ashlie Curtis

ACEs High

In the mid-1990s, there was a landmark study conducted by the Center for Disease Control that revealed that 12.5% of individuals who experienced four or more ACEs before their 18th birthday had a 390% increased risk of COPD, a 240% increased risk of hepatitis, a 460% increased risk of depression, and a shocking 1,220% increased risk of suicide.

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Staff Staff

Street Stickies: What is love?

Although we love a good book, sometimes, a short message is what we need. Language is magic in the sense that just a few words or sentences can move us. Each issue, we pose a different question to our community and ask for answers written on sticky notes. These words of wisdom can be seen strewn throughout the paper!

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