Peace Vincent DeGeorge Peace Vincent DeGeorge

A Family of Love and Support at One Federal Prison in WV

Each visit one receives while incarcerated corresponds to that person being 80% less likely to go back to prison. Yet, less than 15% of federal inmates receive one visitor. The Alderson Hospitality House provides love and support for people visiting loved ones who are incarcerated in the Federal Prison Camp in Alderson.

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Peace Holly Eckert Peace Holly Eckert

When the Wind Speaks, Listen

In my sixth year of living with epilepsy, I experienced a satori, the moment in the Buddhist tradition when one’s intuitive wisdom reveals a new way of seeing. It’s also called “riding the wind.”

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Peace Vincent DeGeorge Peace Vincent DeGeorge

A Long, New Opportunity for Peace

Just as this article kicks off the Peace Column of Mustard Seed Mountain’s first issue, our country is talking about, perhaps planning, and hopefully committing to ending our longest war: The War in Afghanistan.

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