Mustard Seed Mountain Street Paper

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Heard it on the Mountain: Issue 2

Heard it on the Mountain is a recurring space for local organizations to provide updates on what they've been up to, any upcoming plans/projects, and resources/items they may need!


Street MOMs is a nonprofit community outreach project under HOH-Share Inc. We care for the unsheltered and vulnerable population in our community. Upon our retirement we set out to the streets of Wheeling and trusted that we would be divinely guided in our mission of caring for people. 

Oprah Winfrey once said, “Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother.” Street MOMs have met so many strong women in our community that breathe life into this quote. We would like to acknowledge some of these women in this special issue as powerhouses on the streets. 

Daneilia Gummer: Coordinator of Powhatan Point community donations
Kate Marshall: Queen of everything good
Sisters of Mt. St. Joseph and Rosemary Mathes: Blessing bags
Joelle Moray: Our MOM mobile
Stacy Dei: Family Resource Network donation coordinator
Teresa Toriseva: Toriseva Law Office tent donations
Sarah Carpenter: Manager of Sophie’s Free Store
Cheryl Kline: Optician and faithful servant
Cathy DeFruscio: Supportive donor and creative homemaker
Auxiliary 4442: Endless treats and snacks
Meagan Coffman: Passionate outreach supporter
Dar Pempek and Jocelyn Ice: “Trashy Ladies” that pick up the gross stuff!
Tammy Smith: Endless giver of time, energy, and compassion

We do not have adequate words to thank all of the donors that leave items for the unsheltered on our porches and in our mailboxes. Our gratitude for all you do has no limits. See you on the streets!


Northern Programs Gabriel Project helps single moms, single fathers, families, grandparents, foster parents and guardians with the care of their babies 2 years of age and younger. Provides, cribs, pack and plays, car seats, diapers, wipes, baby food and formula clothing and so much more.

In May 2021 we were able to open our doors to people at our Chapter office. During 2020, despite the quarantine, we successfully opened three new locations. We are looking at opening a site in the Fairmont area and Ritchie County.

Our networking efforts in all of our sites continue to broaden. Through word of mouth, we have churches, civic organizations, philanthropic organizations, school groups, and many more asking how they can help.Please reach out to us if you have a need, please reach out to us if you have a way to help, please keep us in your prayers so we can all care for God’s Littlest Ones.


Baby hygiene items; head to toe body wash, diaper cream, new preemie and Newborn onesies for the diaper bags, new receiving blankets for the diaper bags. Gift cards to Target and Walmart.


Facebook - Northern Programs Gabriel Project or call 304-639-5039


The Soup Kitchen of Greater Wheeling was incorporated as a non-profit serving anyone who is hungry in the Ohio Valley in 1992.  Before incorporation The Soup Kitchen was created through the Council of Churches in the mid 1980’s.  We’ve come a long way from serving at St. Luke’s Church once a week to a full commercial kitchen in the remodeled Old Central fire Station serving thousands each week. 

The Soup Kitchen serves a delicious, wholesome meal to anyone who is hungry no questions asked, no need to show identification, simply no red tape.  We also have a children’s program, "Just For Kidz” that provides a weekly Wednesday afternoon free dinner partially sponsored by Wheeling Elks Lodge #28. This dinner is for any family at the Soup Kitchen (1610 Eoff Street) dinner is served any time between 3:30 and 5:30.  If a child comes in at least twice a month they are eligible for our Back to School and Holiday gift giving programs.  Also on site is a health clinic used by Wheeling Health Right and for other medical needs.  Wheeling Health Right is onsite every second and fourth Wednesdays each month.

The Soup Kitchen officially survived 2020 and we were only closed a few weeks in October due to illness.  We served more meals last year than ever, over 150,000!  Our staff works so hard to make a delicious meal for our guests. Babe, our cook, is known for his wings, cookouts and green beans! Laura is not only the best "fill in" on the fly recipe finder ever, but also a great administrative assistant to help keep us all on track.  Caitlin helps with day to day operations while being the coordinator of Just For Kidz, she knows each child by name and their clothes size! Cliff and Keith are awesome help and the backbone of getting everything done in a day!  Pat and Steve continue to harvest food for us, which allows us to easily serve so many.   I am very thrilled to work with such lovely people and we all enjoy the wonderful people we serve.

We have been very blessed to take part in the Food Security Team during these rough days.  The best part of the food security team are the Blessing Boxes placed all over Ohio County.  Blessing Boxes offer 24-hour-a-day access to food kept in the box, we have helped keep the boxes stocked until the community/groups starts to fill them up. We really strive to take care of the needs of the people who access the Soup Kitchen, rather this be a warm meal, a good conversation or some food to take for later, each year we successfully meet the needs of thousands of people. This community is so very giving and we appreciate all the generous support we get from the community, there is a lot of LOVE here for one another!


Eighty-eight Fourteenth Street has had a makeover. The former Mother Jones House has transformed into the Mother Jones Center for Resilient Community (AKA The MoJo). Established in October 2020 by HoH-Share, Inc., a non-profit located in East Wheeling, the MoJo aims to foster resilience in an atmosphere of artistic creativity, compassionate play, out-of-the-box learning, and meaningful relationships—a safe, welcoming place for kids and adults alike. 

After a slow beginning during the pandemic, momentum has begun building. The Mother Jones Center is home to Art-Share, the Bill Hogan Community Gallery, the MoJo gift shop, the Fun-Raiser Urban Mobile Playground, Mustard Seed Mountain, and the Youth Today newspaper.

Through the Art-Share and Fun-Raiser programs, MoJo’s Teen and Kid Art Classes, Music Lab, and workshops for screen printing, stained glass making, woodworking, and mosaics have been producing some budding artists and impressive creations. Chess Club is close to launching, plans for a Libera Teen Support Group are in formation, and other creative classes are on the drawing board for the near future. 
Visit the MoJo and see the possibilities of all there is to be part of. Whether a participant or volunteer, there is a little something for everyone. More information can be found on Facebook at the Mother Jones Center for Resilient Community, or by calling (304) 238-9484.

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